Kwon Jun Hyung Seeks Entry Into British Market With Fantasy Novel ‘Adventure stories of Jack, Land of the Bird’

January 18, 2013 18:39 Korea Standard Time
  • Prunbook Publishing Company published Kwon Jun Hyung's Book 'Adventure stories of Jack, La...

    Prunbook Publishing Company published Kwon Jun Hyung's Book 'Adventure stories of Jack, Land of the Bird'

SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA--(Korea Newswire)--‘Adventure stories of Jack, Land of the Bird’ is an exciting story about Jack and his friends setting out on an adventure. ‘Adventure stories of Jack. Land of the Bird’ is not just a fairy tale for children. It is a fantasy for children and adults alike who yearn to leave on an adventure or immerse themselves in a wonderful fantasy.

‘Adventure stories of Jack, Land of the Bird’ was first published in 2011 and is now hoping to make its way into the London book market through negotiations with British publishers.

Fun trip of imagination and creativity, and of warm friendship

As readers travel into a world of fantasy and imagination with Jack, they leave their world of city skyscrapers and trick themselves into indulging in breathtaking nature and a space full of green bushes and colorful birds. With a solid story line and magnificent proportions, the combination of vivid scenes of war and the appearance of adorable and lovable characters leads readers by the hand and immerses them in a world of fun. As Jack runs into Corin and Lucy and Connie the elephant which flies the skies, and experiences excitement and beautiful friendships, readers get close to them as well. Who is the warrior that saves Peteinon that everyone is waiting for?

It is difficult to lay down ‘Adventure stories of Jack, Land of the Bird’ once readers start fingering through the pages as they delve into the world of an innocent adventure.

The author Kwon Jun Hyung published “Little Story,” “Autumn Rostrum,” “A Poem for the Violin,” “Collection of Little Things,” “Muje(Untitled)” and “Sonata.” at the recommendation of Urimunhak(Our Culture).

Once a publisher is secured, ‘Adventure stories of Jack, Land of the Bird’ could hit the London book market before the end of the year. More detail, contact author by e-mail (

Order of the story
1. Jack and the tree
2. Into the world of Peteinon
3. A trip into a forest of butterflies
4. Formation of allied forces in neutral territory
5. Battle in the green desert
6. Final battle with a battalion of witches
7. Revival of Peteinon and farewell

Prunbook Publishing Company (+82-2-2671-5663), ‘Adventure stories of Jack, Land of the Bird’ written by Kwon Jun Hyung
ISBN: 978-89-92073-83-7 03810 12,000 won



Prunbook Publishing Company

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