ACCUNIQ to Supply Body Composition Analyzer to World Gym
AUSTIN, TEXAS--(Korea Newswire)--SELVAS Healthcare Inc. has signed a contract with World Gym International, LLC. to supply its body composition analyzer ACCUNIQ to the World Gym Franchisees.
Under the contract, SELVAS Healthcare will supply not only ACCUNIQ BC380, but also BC360 and BC720 in sequential order to World Gym clubs in 22 countries including the US, Australia, Canada and European countries.
The Los Angeles, California-based headquarters of World Gym International introduced SELVAS Healthcare’s ACCUNIQ as its official analyzer of body composition in the “World Gym Convention” in September last year. ACCUNIQ was developed by SELVAS Healthcare to upgrade personal exercise programs.
Major chains of World Gym in the US, Australia and Canada were the first to adopt ACCUNIQ BC380, with which they provide their customers tailored prescriptions for an effective workout, such as results of body composition measurement and analysis. The fitness franchises also hold seminars and promotional events to educate how to raise workout efficiency by utilizing ACCUNIQ.
World Gym evaluated ACCUNIQ BC380 highly, compared with its rival products, for outstanding product performance, user-friendly design and quick technical support.
ACCUNIQ BC380 was confirmed to be the most accurate measurement system by recording an industry-high 98 percent correlation with a global standard DEXA equipment. In a test published in the Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation last year, the device showed the same correlation, demonstrating its precise measurement technology.
SELVAS Healthcare has made the product easier to use by improving its design and applying software technology of a SELVAS Healthcare affiliate to UI screen and result sheet. Added to this, the company provides convenient system check, maintenance and upgrade services anytime and anywhere through the rapid “remote technical support program” operated mostly by its USA office in conjunction with its customer service department.
To learn more about ACCUNIQ, visit www.accuniqusa.com.
4616 W Howard Ln suite 960, Austin, TX 78728, USA
Website: http://www.selvashealthcare.com/
Randy Ahn
This is a news release distributed by Korea Newswire on behalf of this company.