DIP Will Start Offering Relief Compensation to Those Who Are Employed in a Part-time or Contracted Capacity via DIP’s Services If They Are Unable to Work Due to a Coronavirus Related Illness
TOKYO--(Business Wire / Korea Newswire)--DIP Corporation (hereinafter “DIP”), Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan; President and CEO: Hideki Tomita, announced on Monday, March 9 that it will start offering relief compensation to those who are employed in a part-time or contracted capacity (see note below) through the Baitoru, Baitoru NEXT or Hatarako.net websites, if they are unable to work due to a coronavirus related illness.
Message from Hideki Tomita, President and CEO
Today we face a crisis as the spread of the coronavirus creates a climate of fear around the world.
We all worry for our loved ones, our friends, our classmates and our coworkers. We have spent a great deal of time discussing what DIP can do under these circumstances.
Naturally we have taken the prudent steps to avoid contagion, by encouraging remote working protocols, adopting flex-time scheduling, restricting our employees from using crowded trains or gathering in large groups, etc.
Furthermore, we have begun to offer free job postings on our recruiting sites for clients in urgent need of short-term replacements for their current employees who are required to stay home with children due to the cancellation of all public-school classes and activities.
Yet we feel we must do more.
Realizing that many of our users are part-time or contracted employees I understand full well that they do not enjoy the benefits of paid absence or leave allowance that protect regular employees. As distasteful as it is, we must recognize the possibility that some of these users may contract a coronavirus related illness and face serious financial pressures resulting from a loss of income. This, on top of the stress caused by their health issues.
Under these circumstances we thought we could alleviate some of the anxiety among our users by offering relief compensation to those who are not protected by the safety nets available to regular employees.
Consequently, we announce today a temporary relief compensation program for our part-time and contracted users who may fall ill as a result of the coronavirus. DIP will offer relief compensation for a period of up to one half month to those users who achieved employment through Baitoru, Baitoru NEXT or Hatarako.net between March 1, 2017 and now, if they are unable to work due to a coronavirus related illness.
*One half month = the period supposed to be necessary for treatment
For details, please refer to the following site :
https://www.baitoru.com/pdt/shien2020 (Japanese only)
https://www.hatarako.net/contents/shien2020 (Japanese only)
It is our sincere desire that this program will bring some measure of relief and peace of mind to our valued users, and perhaps provide a sliver of good news in these gloomy days.
Furthermore, we hope that this relief program may serve as a springboard to initiate a larger conversation regarding the disparity in working conditions between part-time and contracted employees, and those in regular employment.
Following our corporate philosophy, ‘here at DIP we want to tap into dreams, ideas and passion to create a better society’, we will continue to reflect on how we can make the best possible contribution to furthering fair and equitable employment conditions for everyone.
Details of Compensation
Eligible persons: part-time and contracted workers (part-time, dispatched, contracted, and outsourcing, excluding regular employees) employed via Baitoru, Baitoru NEXT or Hatarako.net, between March 1, 2017 and now who are forced into absence from work due to infection with the new type of coronavirus.
* Not applicable if there is any compensation from the company (employer) or public institution
· Amount of compensation: a sum equivalent to the salary for one half month (up to a maximum of 100,000 yen)
· Period of accepting applications for compensation: beginning March 9, 2020
· Details of application process etc.:
https://www.baitoru.com/pdt/shien2020 (Japanese only)
https://www.hatarako.net/contents/shien2020 (Japanese only)
Note: For the purposes of this relief program, the phrase ‘part-time and contracted employees’ refers to those employees not in regular employment and includes part-time workers, those working on fixed term contracts, and those placed with a company through dispatching and outsourcing agencies. In order to qualify for the relief program an employee must have obtained employment through Baitoru, Baitoru NEXT or Hatarako.net between March 1, 2017 and now, and must be unable to attend work due to infection with the coronavirus.
Company Profile
Company name: DIP Corporation
Founded: March 1997
Capital: ¥1,085 million (As of end of November 2019)
Number of Employees: 1,967 (As of April 1st, 2019. Regular employees)
Listed market: TSE 1st section
Annual sales: 42.1 billion (FY ended February 2019)
URL: https://www.dip-net.co.jp/en/company/overview
If there is any inconsistency between the English-language documents and the Japanese-language documents, the Japanese-language documents will prevail.
View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20200309005474/en/
Website: https://www.dip-net.co.jp/en/
View Korean version of this release
DIP Corporation PR team (in Japanese)
Daryl Bradley (in English)
This is a news release distributed by Korea Newswire on behalf of this company.